ImStillMags wrote:
>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>You might consider a smaller generator, just big enough to run your
>refrigerator and a couple of outlets so you
>could recharge your phone or use the computer. Even though this was
>the first long outage for you, you never know what is going on in the
>future with all the changes in weather and climate that we are having.
My land line wasn't out, for some reason the land line on this road
still works when the electric is out. I don't have a cell phone but
you can charge those with your automobile. I was curious about a
generator for my fridge so I called the GE Helpline... they recommend
4,000-4,500 watts for all models due to the start load. Even a small
portable generator just enough to run the fridge only costs over $500,
a good quality one more like $800. Some of my neighbors had those
things running all day, they're extremely noisy so they would out of
courtesy shut them off at night... but still they burned about ten
gallons of gas in about 16 hours... they really only needed those
generators because they have full chest freezers, I consider chest
freezers asinine. I really don't want to store like 50 gallons of gas
for a prolonged emergency and have to constantly change it lest it go
bad, so a portable generator is an option I won't entertain, I'd
rather lose a $100 worth of meat, especially with the price of gas
today... and it makes no sense to have a generator without enough fuel
on hand to run it for at least 4-5 days. I looked at portable diesel
generators too, but those cost more and also burn about 10-15 gallons
a day. I considered a propane stand-by system and still haven't
totally dismissed it but I'd need a 20 kilo watt unit, about $5,000
plus installation, that can cost about as much as the unit. Before I
spring for $10,000 someone will have to convince me that I can't live
without a PC and TV for a few hours/days... heck, it costs nearly
$100/year just to maintain the thing even if never used.
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Like I said I can cook on my gas stove and I have plenty of food in my
pantry, and I just bought 12 more gallons of bottled water at 88¢ per
at Walmart... and I got to use my new percolator, great coffee! I was
able to have a pretty good birdbath by bringing a five gallon bucket
of creek water into my bathtub, even washed my hair... hey, was better
than the ice cold salt water showers I had in the navy. The
stupidmarket in town was open, on generator, I could have bought
whatever cuts of meat and cooked them on my gas grill. I'd be more
concerned about not having electric were it winter, but I already
decided last winter to have a ventless heater installed in my basement
to keep pipes from freezing. I actually have a wood stove in my
basement but I'd rather not risk it, this is safer and hassle free:
I consider not having electric for a few days a very minor
inconvenience. As soon as the power came back I ordered these: