boy cot Bacon Day This Saturday
On Sep 3, 6:37*am, Nad > wrote:
> Gorio > wrote:
> > That does mean our Gov. has their hands in everything. Sooner it stops,
> > the better the food. The best farmers here will tell you how the Dept.
> > of Ag is the biggest waste of money. Let them farm. Free market will
> > separate the garbage out from the best.
> Not a true statement. Free markets only work if one has free information on
> that market. You do not know if an animal already cut up at the market does
> not have some rare tasteless disease that will effect your health forever..
> I want that regulation that keeps deceased animals off the market and I
> want that government inspector to keep an eye on that farm. I am also for
> increasing taxes to pay for that inspection at no cost to the farmer so he
> stays in business.
> Free markets will only help the corrupt get richer and hide the corruption
> without regulations. Business can go out of business and reopen the the
> next day with a new name and packaging without anyone knowing about it and
> with the same filthy business practice.
> It is a false statement to say that the "Free markets will separate the
> garbage out from the best". A statement often used by business to hide
> their corruption.
Bah! just get rid or the Securities and Exchange Commission and let
markets police themselves. That will work if insider trading is
legalized. Traders are basically honest. Let them write whatever they
want in prospectuses. It's also a drag on gas station owners that the
Bureau of Weights and Measures checks the accuracy of their pumps.
Have you no trust?
Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can