Help me waffle
I want to learn how to be just a Killer waffle maker. There's probably a
hundred or so waffle recipes here and a VillaWare waffler. The Villa and I
are not friends. I'm thinking that with many attempts and tests I should
become comfortable - competent - and maybe even great in time for a holiday
brunch or supper.
I've read Julia, AB, Corriher and Crocker. One uses yeast, one puts the
batter in the refrigerator overnight. One beats egg whites and folds them
into the batter. They all think it's pretty simple.
I can't even manage to yank a waffle from its non-stick well-oiled
tenacious grids.
Do I have a defective waffle maker? Need a better recipe? Tire tool to
beat on the grids?
Is there a happy waffle maker here who can help me? Polly