Help me waffle
"Polly Esther" > wrote:
>I want to learn how to be just a Killer waffle maker. There's probably a
>hundred or so waffle recipes here and a VillaWare waffler. The Villa and I
>are not friends. I'm thinking that with many attempts and tests I should
>become comfortable - competent - and maybe even great in time for a holiday
>brunch or supper.
> I've read Julia, AB, Corriher and Crocker. One uses yeast, one puts the
>batter in the refrigerator overnight. One beats egg whites and folds them
>into the batter. They all think it's pretty simple.
I'll confess. I *used to* do the overnight in the fridge, fold in
stiffly beaten eggwhites at the end, seasoned cast iron waffle iron
that was pre-heated in the oven, then finished on a burner, flipping
halfway through.
> I can't even manage to yank a waffle from its non-stick well-oiled
>tenacious grids.
That's most likely an unseasoned iron-- even the non-stick ones need
seasoning. A good spray-on oil once you're at temperature might
> Do I have a defective waffle maker? Need a better recipe? Tire tool to
>beat on the grids?
> Is there a happy waffle maker here who can help me? Polly
I like a crispy, light waffle.
These days I'm happiest with the Bisquick recipe and my George Foreman
grill with the waffle-iron grids.
My wife picked up a[n inexpensive] waffle maker a couple years ago. We
tried every recipe in their little book, then retired it and went back
to George and Bisquick.