Beef Jerky as an ingredient (part 2)
I recently asked for recipes using beef jerky as an ingredient. Tonight I made a
meatloaf using it and the results were...mundane
I used:
3 1/3lb costco sirloin hamburger patties
1 small egg
couple tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce plus some ketchup
1 small onion
6 or so smallish mushrooms
couple of pieces of jerky
ground the jerky with my stick blender than added the mushrooms and onions
combined all the ingredients and cooked at 350 in my small convection
oven/toaster for 40 minutes.
I probably over estimated the spiciness of sauce and jerky and should have added
some salt.
Rather plain, but an almost interesting texture. Next time I'll let the jerky
soak in the sauce to soften it up and I'll also add some salt and maybe garlic
But at least It wasn't something I had to throw away