Your Picnic Is Over!
On 9/5/2011 5:13 PM, sf wrote:
>>> A lot of good that does, they all want to drive a desk, to nowhere.
>>> People in the US don't know how to make stuff anymore... blame the
>>> totally useless educational system, it pushes academia down the
>>> throats that are best suited for vocational training... what a waste
>>> of talent. Durable goods are produced in other countries not for the
>>> cheap labor, but because they have the skilled craftspeople.
>> Right on. I never bothered with University. To me it was a waste of
>> good money. I settled on being a skilled tradesman. Never had any
>> regrets.
> BS. Sheldon had his eyes closed when the steel, garment, shoe,
> washing machine, television (etc) producing industries left for
> foreign shores. They left not because there was a shortage of skilled
> workers, manufacturing left because it was too costly to upgrade their
> plants to modern standards AND the cost of labor was too expensive.
> Ex: Our lumber is harvested here, shipped to china to be milled and
> then shipped back here to be sold. Why? Because it's cheaper to do
> it that way, which means more profit for the company.
Pretty much, anyone who makes the pronouncements he makes has either
locked themselves in their house 20 years ago with no access to any
outside events or is simply ignoring reality.