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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Your Picnic Is Over!

On Tue, 06 Sep 2011 10:00:31 -0500, Omelet wrote:

> In article >,
> Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
>>>How true! Not everyone is meant to go to college. No one goes to
>>>trade school anymore!

>> That's because there are no trade schools, there never were any. The
>> only way to learn a trade is on the job through a bonafide
>> apprenticeship program. All that stimulous money would have done a
>> lot of good were it used to subsidize big manufacturing businesses to
>> sponsor apprenticeship programs... you can bet your bippee that Japan,
>> Germany, Israel, China, etal. have real apparenticeship programs for
>> the skilled trades. Unfortunately the US is now a society that
>> doesn't value those who sweat and dirty their hands to earn a living
>> making stuff. No elected official has ever made anything, that's why
>> manufacturing is so foreign to them... obomination never had a callous
>> in is life, other then on his lying tongue. We don't need any
>> stinkin' "shovel ready" programs, we have backhoes, bulldozers, and
>> excavators, now made in Japan. I'd ask young guys who spent all their
>> time working out so they'd have big muscles how that was going to help
>> them earn a living, I'd tell them even Walmart has forklifts. People
>> who drive a desk are non producers, they are overhead, no different
>> from those who clean toilets, really no difference between a keyboard
>> and a bowl brush, both produce nothing... unless you produce something
>> you are not an asset to an economy, you are a liability. It wasn't too
>> very long ago in the US that there were more tool & die shops in every
>> town than gas stations, now the average person has no clue what's a
>> tool and diemaker. There's no manufacturing in the US because it
>> costs much more to import tooling from China than to move the plant
>> there. The heart of every manufacturing company is its toolroom,
>> without it may as well close its doors, and that's precisely what's
>> occuring at an ever accelerating pace. It's more complicated but
>> essentially the US economy is failing because it produces so little
>> due to a great shortage of skilled workers and the mindset that hard
>> physical labor is frowned upon... there's a very simple reason why
>> there are so many juvenile fatsos.

> Listen well y'all. Sheldon speaks true wisdom here and I totally agree
> with him. Our lazy fat-assed teenagers are too spoiled nowadays to get
> sweaty or get their hands dirty.

ooh, om agrees with sheldon! he must be right, then.
