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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Your Picnic Is Over!

Omelet wrote:
>George Sock wrote:
>> A lot has happened in the 20 years you have been out of touch. There are
>> numerous schools that offer 4 semester programs in areas such as HVAC.
>> Thats two years of classroom plus lots of practical experience.

>And they charge about 12K plus.
>Trade schools tend to be rip-offs and do not follow up on their job
>At least not in health care.
>I've seen plenty of co-workers ripped off by the 'nads by "trade
>Pay for college. You will get more attention.
>And better long term pay.

Trade schools, what a stupid concept... you cannot learn any trade out
of a book. And high school shop classes teach nothing... no one will
pay someone wages who can make a pair infantile bookends in six
months... those shop classes are how they keep the delinquents
occupied until they are old enough to drop out, out of sight and out
of mind... and the so-called educators believe they did their job,
NOT! A real educator should be able to cull out those who will never
succeed in academia but will do well in the arts. By the time a kid
is fourteen they should have enough of the basic 3 Rs to lead a
productive life in any vocation, that's when it's time to begin a
formal apprenticeship, older is too late. Whoever came up with the
fercocktah idea that every kid has to sit in a classroom until they're
eighteen was a lunatic. BOCES is a failed attempt, another lunatic's
brain child... industry and government need to install real
apprenticeship programs, so that by the time one is 18 years old they
are capable to go out and ply their trade and support themselves and a
family if they so choose... when did it come to where kids can live in
their parent's basement until they're forty+ before they need to
behave like adults... yer eighteen, ya don't wanna work, GTF out ya
little useless bastid! Private trade schools have no more value than
preparing someone to make license plates in prison. And just like not
everyone can succeed in academia not everyone was born with the ennate
talent to succeed in a trade... someone gotta clean terlits. The US
educational system is a disaster... Trillion$ in school taxes wasted.
Not everyone needs to become a scientist, no one needs to be adept in
calculous to build a space ship... no PhD ever built anything,
talented hands/creative minds do the actual making, not dreamers. In
case anyone doesn't know scientists are not paid very well, most are
housed, given access to the most powerful computers on the planet, and
given a stipend to cover living expenses. The craftspeople
(tool/instrument makers) who actually turn the theoretical into
reality and fabricate the hardware are paid much more. This no talent
George Sock has obviously never been gainfully employed, another
friggin' know nothing parasite.