notbob wrote:
> On 2011-09-06, M. JL Esq. > wrote:
>>I just don't find people suffering to be funny. No more than i am
>>entertained by drama and tragedy.
> The poor folk in the truck were unharmed. Slipping on a banana peel
> is tragic!? Yer not entertaind by drama and trajedy in movies? What?
> you live in a hole and read Winnie the Pooh? No wait!... I think
> there's some drama in WtP. You don't even read? Yer either a liar or
> brain dead.
> nb
I said i am not amused or entertained by it, that i don't watch drama
for entertainment.
Some of the historical dramas of Shakespeare i have found interesting.
Especially some of the more recent examples. Kenneth Brannaughs
examples iirc?
But other than one particular movie, i usually don't find the story of a
movie as interesting as sets, costumes, special effects & etc.
I saw "All about Eve" the other day, Bette Davis & etc. a bit too arch
for my taste but i had no idea Marylin Monroe was in it!
Best part of the movie imo, and rather like Jean Harlow in Dinner at 8