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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default Italian Sauce or Gravy

Julie Bove wrote:

>> If the meat in the sauce is served separately then it's gravy.
>> If the meat is an integral part of the sauce and is not separated
>> out or served separately then it's sauce.

> My Italian MIL calls it red gravy whether it has meat in it or not.

Ah! So the correct translation for "gravy" would be "sugo", which is a
generic name for "sauce" with no precise borders: a sugo can be made without
any meat or could contain meat or fish or whatever. It's a very generic
term, it could even refer to the liquids dropping off a sandwich...
I believed gravy was some more specific, as "fondo", which is *always* meat
based. Saying "sugo" is almost as generic as saying "condimento" (dressing).
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