Your Picnic Is Over!
On Sep 6, 11:00*am, Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> *Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> > >How true! *Not everyone is meant to go to college. *No one goes to
> > >trade school anymore!
> > That's because there are no trade schools, there never were any. *The
> > only way to learn a trade is on the job through a bonafide
> > apprenticeship program. *All that stimulous money would have done a
> > lot of good were it used to subsidize big manufacturing businesses to
> > sponsor apprenticeship programs... you can bet your bippee that Japan,
> > Germany, Israel, China, etal. have real apparenticeship programs for
> > the skilled trades. *Unfortunately the US is now a society that
> > doesn't value those who sweat and dirty their hands to earn a living
> > making stuff. *No elected official has ever made anything, that's why
> > manufacturing is so foreign to them... obomination never had a callous
> > in is life, other then on his lying tongue. *We don't need any
> > stinkin' "shovel ready" programs, we have backhoes, bulldozers, and
> > excavators, now made in Japan. *I'd ask young guys who spent all their
> > time working out so they'd have big muscles how that was going to help
> > them earn a living, I'd tell them even Walmart has forklifts. *People
> > who drive a desk are non producers, they are overhead, no different
> > from those who clean toilets, really no difference between a keyboard
> > and a bowl brush, both produce nothing... unless you produce something
> > you are not an asset to an economy, you are a liability. It wasn't too
> > very long ago in the US that there were more tool & die shops in every
> > town than gas stations, now the average person has no clue what's a
> > tool and diemaker. *There's no manufacturing in the US because it
> > costs much more to import tooling from China than to move the plant
> > there. *The heart of every manufacturing company is its toolroom,
> > without it may as well close its doors, and that's precisely what's
> > occuring at an ever accelerating pace. *It's more complicated but
> > essentially the US economy is failing because it produces so little
> > due to a great shortage of skilled workers and the mindset that hard
> > physical labor is frowned upon... there's a very simple reason why
> > there are so many juvenile fatsos.
> Listen well y'all. *Sheldon speaks true wisdom here and I totally agree
> with him. *Our lazy fat-assed teenagers are too spoiled nowadays to get
> sweaty or get their hands dirty.
That's very true. I overheard a couple of kids talking the other
day. One of them worked at East Side Mario's. He was complaining
about how hard it was to work in the Kitchen. If he thought that was
hard, he should have worked the number two tread tuber at Uniroyal
I worked very busy restaurants when I was much younger, everything
from busboy to dishwasher to cooking, and when it got busy you had to
work very hard. But we never complained about it.
> My favorite Thomas Edison quote runs something like:
> "Opportunity is missed by most people because it's usually dressed in
> overalls and looks like work".
> Truer words were never spoken. *We have raised (mostly, I know it does
> not cover some of the hard working good people that some have raised!) a
> generation of video game players that expect to earn a living doing beta
> testing.
> --
> Peace, Om
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> "Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have
> come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-- Mark Twain