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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Ancient Vita-Mix

On 2011-09-08, ImStillMags > wrote:
> On Sep 6, 2:26*pm, notbob > wrote:

> So.....?? didya make a green smoothie? How did it work for you?

Not yet. Still trying to find a combination that doesn't turn my

Seriously, had an ongoing mom crises this morning plus trying to get
the food sorted out. Haven't even put new veggies away, yet. Hadda
throw out some food and make room. I DID sneak in the boxed tabouli.
Gotta add tomatoes and lemons juice between background probs.

I also remembered I bought a mango and a garnet yam and still have
some frozen blackberries. When I get around to it, it's gonna be
good! I also have some cans of coconut milk (/w cream). Is that a
good liquid to sub in place of dairy?
