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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Italian Sauce or Gravy

Doug Freyburger wrote in

> Steve Pope wrote:
> >
> > As a datapoint, I did not hear of the "gravy" terminology
> > until the modern (Internet) era.

> For me it was two decades later than that. Not until well after the
> turn of the century. Either on a FoodTV show or here on RFC. Someone
> decided to call red sauce gravy? Okay. It's regional? Okay. It's
> fascinating how regional terms end up spreading? Definitely.

Yup. Here's one from back home. *Regional* name would be red gravy or
red eye gravy. The plot thickens though.

Red eye gravy is a classic that uses coffee and pan drippings normally.
My area? Nope. It's mashed red beans with the juice and cooked in
with a bit of ham, specifically the 'eye' (little round bone that looks
a bit like an eye). AKA, 'red eye gravy'.
