On Sat, 10 Sep 2011 21:04:11 -0700, sf > wrote:
>On Sat, 10 Sep 2011 20:50:41 -0700 (PDT), Bryan
> wrote:
>> http://www.parents.com/blogs/goodybl...egnancy-trend/
>> Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but that just doesn't seem right.
>> --Bryan
>Times are tough, but they aren't that tough. You couldn't pay me
>enough to do that.
Me either-- but it isn't a 'new' thing. A friend had his children
at home 25 or so years ago because none of the local hospitals would
let them keep the placenta.
At the same time that I couldn't be paid enough to eat placenta--
there are lots of animal parts that are more gross that I *would* eat
'just because'. But human parts/products kind of leave me cold.