First smoothie (not grn)
On Sep 11, 7:47*am, notbob > wrote:
Two things.
1. I don't put ice in my smoothies so I don't have that problem. I
have made pina colada's, but I used
crushed ice from a bag so I haven't had a problem with that. I think
the older VitaMix may not have the "oomph"
the newer ones do, could be wrong.
2. The combination of fruits and ginger is a bit iffy for me. I
think you'll find that fruit and yogurt makes
a tastier smoothie. Use the ginger in a veggie smoothie with
vegetables it will compliment. If I'm making
a smoothie for breakfast, it's usually frozen banana, blueberries,
strawberries, yogurt and whey protein.
If you like to chew me I'm the same way, that's
why I could never do a liquid diet.... do what I do and use the
smoothie as the main part of your meal and have something like a flax
muffin to go along with it.
Don't expect the green smoothie to be any better in the chew
department. And don't expect a really sweet smoothie from the
greens. The fruit simply masks the 'green' part and the flavor is
fresher and more bright.
For your first green smoothie try this.
Bottom layer: one chopped ripe pear ( take of the stem and seeds) if
you don't have a pear use something sweet like mango.
Second Layer: couple big fistfuls of spinach
Third Layer: 5 or 6 leaves of kale or chard or whatever other green
you like
Top Layer: one chopped apple (take out the seeds)
I think you will be surprised and please at how refreshing it is and
how much your body will like it.