On 2011-09-11, ImStillMags > wrote:
> get more greens into my system and they are very cleansing.
> snack to help cleanse your system and detoxify it.
Now see, I don't buy into that crazy "cleansing" crap! There's
nothing "toxic" about food and meat doesn't remain lodged in your
colon for 20 yrs and all that happy horsecrap. That's all total
bullshit pushed by health food whackos trying to make a buck off the
rubes. I'm not even thoroughly convinced eliminating meat from my
diet is of any great benefit, but I'd like to try it to see how it
effects my high, but not insanely high, cholestrol levels. Jes an
experiment. If I lose some weight, that would be a nice bonus. If it
does me little or no good, I'll happily return to gnawing pork ribs
and snarfing pizza with a vengeance.
As for that whole wheat thing, that's another load of bullocks.
Millions of women suddenly convinced they're deathly allegic to wheat
and their plumbing is gonna drop out if they don't stop eating
ANYTHING with a single molecule of gluten in it. Puh-leeze!! You
wanna quit eating all gluten and munch amaranth muffins, knock yerself
out. I'm gonna make me some sugar saturated cinnamon rolls made with
0 transfat margarine, if that'll work.