On 09/11/2011 09:31 AM, notbob wrote:
> On 2011-09-11, Serene > wrote:
>> (Honey's not vegan, but that's an argument for a different list full of
>> vegetarians. It's historically the biggest flame war on vegetarian
>> lists, right up there with putting yogurt in hummus or boiling your ribs.)
> heh heh.... I can imagine.
> I don't intend on going crazy/fanatic/zealot vegan, jes get the meat
> and dairy out of my diet. Wheat bothers me not one iota, nor sugar or
> coffee or a dozen other things fanatic vegans go off the deep end
> over. I may not even stick with it, but I'd like to see what 3 mos
> (my next blood letting) of no meat/dairy will get me. If nothing, I'll
> probably return to lean meat in moderation, like chinese food where
> they jes use bits in a whole dish or an occasional fresh caught
> trout.
Yeah, that's where we tend to hover around here. Left to my own devices,
I leave the meat and dairy out, and then when they start whimpering, I
fix a stir-fry or something and put a few slivers of meat in it. ;-)
Serene (exaggerating; you do not even want to know how huge my last pork
roast was around here)