First smoothie (not grn)
On 11/09/2011 2:15 PM, Jim Elbrecht wrote:
>> That is not my understanding of the benefits of eating whole wheat flour
>> products. It has a lot more nutritional value that white flour and the
>> bran helps keep the digestive system operating properly. It is most
>> definitely part of a heart healthy diet.
> And I think there is just as much gluten in the whole wheat version of
> flour.
> And I wouldn't knock amaranth [or quinoa] until you've tried it. I
> like the taste& texture of both-- the nutritional kick is a bonus.
I didn't knock Quinoa. AAMOF, it is on my list of things to try. My
sister in law eats it. She suffers from colitis and it is a safe food
for her to eat.