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Default Seasoning a baking stone and using it questions

On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 03:36:17 -0400, TFM® >

> Put it in the oven and forget it's there. Scrape it with a steel spatula
> and wash it like you would a cutting board when you feel the need, then
> return it to it's home in the oven where it should stay no matter what
> you're baking.

My gut reaction would be to compare it to cast iron, because I use
soap on both (well, I use soap on my cutting boards too). With
cutting boards, it's a long dip in a hot soapy pool that ruins them.
A quick pass through doesn't bother them. In fact, it's the finish on
those wooden salad bowls you get from Hawaii that are more sensitive
to soap & water.

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.