Thread: Happy 9-10-11
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Default Happy 9-10-11

On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:37:03 +0200, ChattyCathy
> wrote:

> <grin> Only reason I can think of why America (and maybe the Philippines
> and the odd Eastern European country???) use the mm/dd/yy date format is
> because of colloquial speech e.g. most Americans I've seen on TV (and met
> in person) say "January 21st" instead of "21st of January".

We flip flop when speaking - but mainly it's month first, day after.
I'm comfortable with month/day/year as a written format and will
continue to be confused by year/month/day format until 2013. So, if
you send me an invitation and don't spell the month out in writing - I
probably will not show up when you expected me. <G>

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.