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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Anyone have granite counters? Like? Sorry? Pros and cons?

BubbaBob wrote:
> Doug Freyburger > wrote:
>> You know people who sand down their granite counters and eat the
>> resulting dust? It doesn't seem like you are aware that alpha
>> particles do not convert atoms into radioactive isotopes. You need to
>> shallow the pitchblend to get any lasting effect.

> Alpha particles are emitted from the granite. If there is a piece of food
> on the surface, they go into the food and you ingest them.

Helium is not toxic and does not cause cancer. That's what alpha
particles are, helium. Alpha particles are only a problem when you are
touching the source (as in nude sleeping on the counter) or inside your
body (as in dust from griding down the counter).

> My father and about 100 of his co-workers who worked for Sandia Corporation
> at the Nevada Test Site, died of an array of cancers very shortly after
> retirement. They worked down in instrumentation tunnels that were re-used
> after shots. They wouldn't let them go to the surface to eat lunch, they
> had to eat in a dangerously alpha-high environment. Sandia only tested them
> for gamma & x-ray exposure and never did the required urine and feces tests
> for alpha ingestion. They all died horrible painful deaths because Sandia
> wouldn't spare the time or energy to let them eat on the surface.

They were in a place were radioactive isotopes could enter their body.
Most particularly radon but they also had dust exposure into their
lungs. Your example has zero to do with granite counter tops. Do you
have a point or do you actually have no idea why your statement is not
relevant to granite counter tops in kitchens?

What is important is for all workers who cut and grind granite to wear
their respirator masks and to vacuum out your house after installing a
new granite countertop. Get rid of the dust and you're done.