Thanksgiving wine
Hi Trevor - In the US Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth thursday in
November, thanks to President Lincoln. It's a big family day. My wife and
I just had the 38th Thanksgiving dinner here at our house. Twentynine
family members attended, nine of which are under 5 years. The dinner is
usually turkey and traditional side dishes but this year our theme was
Italian. We have a non-turkey Thanksgiving every few years just to shake
the group up. I served a cranberry/raisin wine but my family is not big on
wine. Light beer, fruit punch and Coke were consumed in large volume.
Bill Frazier
Olathe, Kansas
"Pinky" > wrote in message
So much of my knowledge of your history is based on peripheral knowledge
> gained over a lifetime and is not without an element or two of detail.
> However there are huge holes ( "black holes" is appropriate ). One of
> is your Thanksgiving date. Oh I understand the background of its
> beginnings but have no idea of the date -- which is obviously at this time
> of year.