Dinner tonight
We serve in bulk here Lee, lol. I made a large electric frypan full of
pasta bolognese the other night. I did it kiddy style and put the pasta
(spirals) into the meat sauce. Kids had a big meal each with cheese on
top and I filled a couple of containers after dinner. Woke the next
morning and all gone. I had chicken rissoles with large tossed salad.
"Storrmmee" > wrote in message
> you serve me that no sauce would be needed, just second helpings if i
> could handle it, lol, Lee
> "Ozgirl" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Roasting some chicken breasts with a filling of freshly chopped dill,
>> baby spinach leaves and crumbled fetta mixed with ricotta. Not sure
>> what to have with it yet. Perhaps roasted veggies like sweet potato,
>> onion and carrot (kids don't like sweet potato). Plus the usual
>> assorted greens. Trying to think of a suitable sauce.