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W. Baker W. Baker is offline
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Default Thanksgiving dinner

Ozgirl > wrote:
: For one meal I wouldn't worry about choice of fats so go with what you
: like best. Even diabetic cranberry sauce can have an impact so for
: yourself personally go light on that. Offer the carbs because I am sure
: everyone is expecting them but have some other low carb alternatives for
: those who want to eat like they should. Like tossed salads, lots of low
: starch vegetables etc.

: If you wanted advice for long term eating then I would advise
: differently but as its only one day, a very important day to
: Americans/Canadian then I wouldn't be inclined to go overboard and stray
: too far from tradition.

I like to prepare really diabetic friendly meals even for holidays, yet
make them as delicious as possible. i was as raised on thin grvy, so ht
is no problem for me. substituting a diferent bread and addign specially
god vegetalbes to a dressing recipe is fine for me adn my guests always
eat it all up with no complaints of regrets. I have a family that likes
broccoli or lightly cooked string beans adn we never bdid ut butter on
such thngs for religious reasons, so that is easy. I have made cassaroles
using mashed butternut squash rahter than sweet potato which, while still
a bit carby is less so than the sweet potato ones. Many of our guests are
often dealign with wieght problems so appreciate delicious holiday meals
that don't break their dies to much. I do make apple pie, my mother;s
crowning dessert each year, but I make it with only a top crust and use
non-nutritive sweeteners on the apples. We have hot spiced cider to start
the meal in the living room, but I use no sgarjus non-huritive
sweeteneralong with the stick cinnamon, lemon slices, and cloves that I
boil up in a small amount of water before adding he cider just to het, not
boil it. Most now take only one small punch cup these days.

Young cildren in the famiy are growing up with these foods, not the
candied sweets, and rich vegetable and starchy stuffing tht used to be, so
they do not miss them. It works for me.
