"haleymcadams1" > wrote in
message .. .
> 'Julie Bove[_2_ Wrote:
>> ;1663163']"Storrmmee" wrote in message
>> ...-
>> meat loaf in muffin pans is a joy, either make/bake/freeze or make
>> freeze,
>> decant and store bringing out to cook, i also do turkey dressing this
>> way
>> helps with portion control, Lee-
>> When I used to make stuffing, I would take a slice of turkey, roll it up
>> with a little stuffing inside and top with gravy. I also make my
>> stuffing
>> with a ton of sautéed veggies and very little bread.
>> I have a couple of gluten free cornbread mixes in the cupboard that are
>> likely getting old. I should bake them up for Thanksgiving stuffing.
>> Angela did like the stuffing I made when I had leftover cornbread. I
>> used
>> to be able to buy it made up online. But no longer and I think they
>> quit
>> making the mix as well. It was the only kind I could find that didn't
>> require dairy or eggs.
> Weird enough I was actually searching for different salmon recipes. I
> think I found a blog that already help me. But never really think that I
> could actually find another one here. I like to try your recipe on the
> turkey with stuffing and gravy please. Can you post some of the
> ingredients here?
Sorry I don't have an actual recipe for stuffing. I just read through many
and tried something. It was over a year ago but I think I did this...
Break up cornbread on shallow pan and put in a low oven until dried out.
Sauté plenty of chopped onion and celery until soft.
Mix with bread and season with salt, pepper, parsley and sage in large
Dampen with turkey broth.
Cover with foil and heat through until liquid is absorbed and heated
I did not make the gravy because I don't cook turkey. We don't eat a lot of
it so I just buy sliced breast and I do sometimes cook legs in the crockpot
for my husband. The gravy was Imagine brand, gluten free.