at petsmart they have kitty wipes that say they help with allergins, not
sure if theyw ork but vet advised us to use them just after the fire to help
with getting soot/smoke off of cats as she felt that a bath on top of the
fire would be too traumatic... it worked for that, Lee
"Tiger Lily" > wrote in message
> oh Lee
> heartfelt pain and tears, yes, this ISN'T a negotiable issue!
> kate (down to 2 dogs from 4 dogs plus cat) [highly allergic to cats
> On 9/22/2011 5:36 PM, Storrmmee wrote:
>> they have covered part of it, but we have reached the limit, but we have
>> no
>> choice but to stick where we are because of the cats, you simply can't
>> rent
>> with this many animals, and anywhere that would take us requires declaw,
>> can't go there... i would be homeless first, Lee
>> "Tiger > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 9/22/2011 2:54 PM, Storrmmee wrote:
>>>> it is very hard, starting over is just almost unberable overwhelming,
>>>> so
>>>> many details, little things like remembering to put place matts and
>>>> coasters
>>>> on the shopping list to finding someone to remove trees so construction
>>>> can
>>>> be done properly...
>>>> it is moving ever so slowly, being superstitious in nature i am
>>>> reluctant
>>>> to
>>>> say much as every time i do something bad happens... but at least
>>>> things
>>>> are
>>>> moving...
>>>> we have learned what is important and what isn't, we are having a much
>>>> smaller house than originally planned but we won't have nearly so much
>>>> to
>>>> try and pay for beyond the ins co's payout... that became much more
>>>> important than some things, we also gave up some size for more
>>>> maintainance
>>>> free... neither of us are as young as we once were and figure this was
>>>> a
>>>> better use of the money... Lee
>>> I don't envy you the process Lee, but please know best wishes are being
>>> sent your way. It sounds like you have thought this out well, and are
>>> fully aware of what you are getting into.
>>> Is insurance paying for your living accommodations until the house is
>>> ready to move into? (sure hope so!)
>>> kate