Thread: New dishwasher
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rosie[_1_] rosie[_1_] is offline
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Default New dishwasher, stove next

On Sep 23, 9:10*am, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Sep 2011 05:50:15 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski"
> > wrote:
> >"ItsJoanNotJoann" > wrote

> >> You really think a 'warmed' plate adds to the taste of the meal? *If
> >> these plates had some sort of magical ability to stay warm for 30
> >> minutes or more I'd say go for it, but it's just a useless step for me
> >> as is chilling plates and glasses.

> >Depends on the food. Mashed potatoes are dense and retain heat. *Putting
> >them on a room temperature plate makes no difference and the heat loss may
> >even make them edible faster if they are very hot.

> >OTOH, delicate sauces and delicate foods will lose something on a cool
> >plate. *Eggs, pancakes, *and the like are better when kept warm on a warm
> >plate. *They don't have to stay warm for 30 minutes, they just don't have to
> >suck the heat out of the food when initially plated. * If you've never tried
> >it, you can't say it makes no difference on those foods.

> Paper plates don't suck the heat out of food, only sucks out the
> excess fat, try it with eggs, sausage, bacon, especially fried
> spuds... if one is trying to cut down on fat paper plates is the
> easiest most painless way. *I prefer to fry my eggs in real butter,
> not that WD 40 spray so many use. *Cheapo uncoated paper plates cost
> less than a penny each, are more sanitary than regular plates, and no
> washing... every fast food joint serves food in disposables so I see
> nothing tacky about eating the same sorts of foods at home from
> disposables. *A lot of the family chain restaurants are starting to
> use those disposable dishes made from corn, they save mucho dinero by
> not having to launder dinnerware, and save a ton on breakage... and
> they are sanitary. *They look like fine china too. *Corn plates are
> also biodegradeable, far better for the environment than styrofoam.
> There are also eating utensils made from corn.

There is no way paper or plasic or what ever plates look like fine