The price of wine here
a wrote:
>> I have no interest in returning to Italy.
> Venice is a giant rip off, a tourist trap.
Wrong, Venice has many good places and a lot of tourist traps, and from what
I read here the latter are doing a great business. WHat about collecting
soem information before going to Venice to get ripped on everything?
> It's like people who make a hundred trips to
> midtown Manhattan, they know absolutely nothing of NYC... every time I
> read about their trip to Carnegie Deli I LMAO... theyd do better
> dining at a Sabrett's pushcart and other street venders.
And this IMHO doesn't mean that Manhattan "giant rip off, a tourist trap",
it simply means that people can go to tourist traps or avoid them, nothing
else. The issue is people being not-informed and falling into toruist traps
at every step, not Manhattan or Venice or any other touristic place.
Let the liquor do the thinking