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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Posts: 1,407
Default The price of wine here

pure kona wrote:

> Wow- Interesting Dave. I love Europe although I have not been to
> Venice. But when I have gone, I check out restaurants etc on Virtual
> Tourist web site and review them, print out the list and I have never
> ever been disappointed. VT even gives you the price you should expect
> as well as the summary of the meal, and it gives you suggested places
> to stay- with prices, and sights not to miss. (And I have used VT for
> the UK, Italy, France and Iceland.) VT is awesome- although I have not
> used them for a year.

And that's just one of the many ways to arrive informed and skip the tourist
traps. Then one can ask on newsgroups and such.

> Finally to this whole thread- IMHO, one does not go to Europe to save
> money or find a bargain. The Culture is pretty much free and worth
> zillions. Soak it in- it's not like that at home.

Good point
Let the liquor do the thinking