Things to know when buying a new electric oven?
On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 17:41:49 -0400, Jim Elbrecht >
>"Pete C." > wrote:
>>> Sheldon is full of shit.
>>Usually he is, however he is correct on this one since he lives in
>>union/mob (same thing) controlled NY. A few other places in the region
>>are the same.
>He's still full of shit. I'm in NY, too, and i can do my own
>electrical work. I've lived in 4 counties in NY and only one had
>enough union influence to forbid homeowners from doing their own
>electrical work.
>It still needs to be inspected, and the inspectors are all over the
>place--- but it isn't illegal in all of NY.
sheldon makes stuff up to sound important. (to himself)