Things to know when buying a new electric oven?
On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 08:42:06 -0500, Lou Decruss
> wrote:
>On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 11:40:44 -0500, "Pete C." >
>>Lou Decruss wrote:
>>> Sheldon is full of shit.
>>Usually he is, however he is correct on this one since he lives in
>>union/mob (same thing) controlled NY. A few other places in the region
>>are the same.
>NY is no more union controlled than Chicago. My union credentials are
>out of the cook county local. (Chicago) You can do your own work
>legally but it has to be done to code. The union has nothing to say
>about it.
That's true, there are union jobs and non union jobs. But all wiring
requires a Fire Underwriter's inspection and that needs to be filed
for by a licensed electrician... the power company inspects service
changes too and that also needs to be filed for by a licensed
electrician. One of my best buds is a licensed electrition, he used
to work union but gave up his union card due to lack of union job work
and opened his own sole proprietorship, North Electric... I gave him
that name for his business, he liked it much better than his original
idea of Aardvark Electric, he wanted to be listed first in the Yellow
Pages. Joe S. still lives in the same house on Lung Guyland's North
shore, but now he mostly teaches BOCES. He's a very knowlegable
electrician, I used to be his helper on some weekends just for fun...
wiring new construction is hard labor. He rewired my entire house,
from 100 A to 200 A, and to commercial code... I actually didn't need
it on my 2 X 4 two bedroom house but we often helped each other (he
had all the hardware left over anyway), I dug his well pit, he got his
BIL to put a new roof on my house. That's how I met him, I was
walking on the next steet and saw him digging and offered to help and
I ended up digging the entire well pit; 7' feet deep and 5' X 5', in
the center of his driveway. I was young then, I could've dug to
China. Now I'd have a backhoe do it.