Purple potatoes
"Roy" > wrote in message
>I would say that claim is BS. Besides most people
> don't eat the peelings. Stick with the blueberries.
Where do you get that most people don't eat the peel? I most certainly eat
the peel on potatoes like those. I've seen them come in two sizes. Small
and tiny. I generally don't peel that size.
I did once make a lemon potato recipe that called for small red potatoes
with a strip peeled around the middle. I don't know if this was to help the
lemon parsley butter seep in more of if it was just for decorative purposes.
Since I was cooking for company I did go ahead and peel that strip.
Really the only potatoes I do peel are the Idaho if I am using them for
mashed. I do not like the bits of their peel in my potatoes. But for red
or yellow potatoes, the peel mashed in is fine.