Thread: wine warning
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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default wine warning

notbob wrote:
> I jes bought a box o' wine, bota box, by name. A zin. **In my
> opinion!**, the absolute worst nasty horrible ****er disgusting
> almost-undrinkable wine I've ever experienced.
> In short, I don't recommend it.
> nb

Wife bought a bottle of Merlot at Trader Joe's last week. Very generic
label; didn't say who made it and the winebot that sold it to her went
on and on about how they couldn't reveal the vintner but it was a big
name, yada yada. The wine was "Napa River" and I'm not sure what year.
Generally I don't drink her wine and she doesn't drink my beer.

She was grimacing as she sipped it and asked if it might be better
chilled. I said no, Merlot will taste better at a cool room
temperature. She said she had several more bottles if I wanted them and
I told her I'd drink anything. I was wrong. I tasted the stuff and it
was wretched, so I told her to take them back and get her money back --
including the one that was open.

Nasty, horrible stuff. And yet I see online reviews about how great and
undiscovered it is. I know there's no accounting for taste, but I think
some folks have bought into the "exclusive private label" b.s.

(As far as box wine goes, try Peter Vella's burgundy. It's about $12
for 5 liters of quite drinkable mediocre wine. It's perfect to go with
