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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Organic Cantaloupe problem

Dimitri wrote:
> I have a question
> Do the pesticides normally used by agribusiness kill the Listeria?

Not generally. The largest group of pesticides are
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Bacteria don't have
acetylcholinesterase. Some pesticides contain soaps
that may have a little bactericidal action, but not

> Are organic foods inherently more dangerous?

They might be, but not for that reason. The latest
speculation I heard is that the bacteria might be in
the wash water used in the packing operation, but I
heard that a day or two ago.

I wonder if the people who died washed their vegetables.
Somebody should study that. I always assume everybody
does, but then I'm often shocked when I see how other
people prepare their food.