Organic Cantaloupe problem
"Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> Dimitri wrote:
>> I have a question
>> Do the pesticides normally used by agribusiness kill the Listeria?
> Not generally. The largest group of pesticides are
> acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Bacteria don't have
> acetylcholinesterase. Some pesticides contain soaps
> that may have a little bactericidal action, but not
> much.
>> Are organic foods inherently more dangerous?
> They might be, but not for that reason. The latest
> speculation I heard is that the bacteria might be in
> the wash water used in the packing operation, but I
> heard that a day or two ago.
> I wonder if the people who died washed their vegetables.
> Somebody should study that. I always assume everybody
> does, but then I'm often shocked when I see how other
> people prepare their food.
I heard some 'authority' expound today on the subject and he said that
washing the cantaloupes 'might' lessen the problem. Might? I'm pretty
vigilant about washing food but it never crossed my mind to wash a
cantaloupe. I peel and cube (chunk?) them. Maybe since the listeria
disaster that we'd better start running them through the dishwasher. Polly