Organic Cantaloupe problem
Mark Thorson wrote:
>I wonder if the people who died washed their vegetables.
>Somebody should study that. I always assume everybody
>does, but then I'm often shocked when I see how other
>people prepare their food.
Most folks don't wash their ass, what makes you think they'd wash a
cantaloup... the typical shopper brings veggies home and puts them
directly into their fridge... never washing them... their entire
fridge is contaminated, and then days later they prep them without any
thought about washing... these are the same retards who're ascared to
touch raw meat without wearing welders gloves. Everyone who gets sick
and dies from listeria deserves it because it's the easist foodborne
poisoning to avoid... these are the filthy beasts whose personal
hygiene is so atrocious society is better off without them.