Organic Cantaloupe problem
On Sun, 02 Oct 2011 01:23:06 +1000, Who_me? >
>On 1/10/2011 10:34 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Mark Thorson wrote:
>>> I wonder if the people who died washed their vegetables.
>>> Somebody should study that. I always assume everybody
>>> does, but then I'm often shocked when I see how other
>>> people prepare their food.
>> Most folks don't wash their ass,
>I don't want to even guess how you arrived at that conclusion or what
>your personal hygiene is like. I can't imagine anyone who would not wash
>all intimate body areas as a part of standard hygiene.
>> what makes you think they'd wash a
>> cantaloup... the typical shopper brings veggies home and puts them
>> directly into their fridge... never washing them... their entire
>> fridge is contaminated,
>Contaminated refrigerators are de rigueur? You do have a good imagination.
>> and then days later they prep them without any
>> thought about washing... these are the same retards who're ascared to
>> touch raw meat without wearing welders gloves. Everyone who gets sick
>> and dies from listeria deserves it because it's the easist foodborne
>> poisoning to avoid... these are the filthy beasts whose personal
>> hygiene is so atrocious society is better off without them.
>You really are an opinionated little twit - aren't you? Absolutely full
>of straw man opinions. You have no idea at all what most people do, and
>no idea about the hygiene of others. You are a thoroughly nasty little
>waste of space.
So you readily admit to not washing your ass. And no need to travel
so circuitive a path, next time just come out and say you're a filthy
assed douchebag. Hmm, gotta get me a big bottle of Febreeze for
squelching the stench of yoose brits, PU!