Organic Cantaloupe problem
blake murphy wrote:
> On Sat, 01 Oct 2011 08:34:42 -0400, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> > Most folks don't wash their ass, what makes you think they'd wash a
> > cantaloup... the typical shopper brings veggies home and puts them
> > directly into their fridge... never washing them... their entire
> > fridge is contaminated, and then days later they prep them without any
> > thought about washing... these are the same retards who're ascared to
> > touch raw meat without wearing welders gloves. Everyone who gets sick
> > and dies from listeria deserves it because it's the easist foodborne
> > poisoning to avoid... these are the filthy beasts whose personal
> > hygiene is so atrocious society is better off without them.
> lunatic.
I suppose you'd have called Adolf Eichmann a lunatic too.