On 8/5/2011 4:43 PM, ViLco wrote:
> I'm back. wrote:
>>>> http://www.abc.net.au/tv/cookandchef/txt/s2023832.htm
>>> Way too much ingredients: egg, truffle and salt is unbeatable.
>> Don't knock it till you've tried it.
> That's always a good point, but when I pay something per the gram I like to
> have it as pure as possible. Truffles and just eggs are a perfect match for
> two reasons: few ingredients, so the truffle flavor gets through clean, and
> the delicacy of the egg, which helps in the same direction. In truffle
> season in Alba all the restaurants offer white local truffles in many
> dishes, and the most widespread ones are egg& truffle and tajarin&
> truffles. Tajarin are egg noodles dressed with just butter or, sometimes, a
> delicate cheese fondue. In the main yard of the truffles market in Alba one
> can also have something to eat and guess what they offer? Egg& truffle.
> That's the way one can really enjoy and evaluate truffles.
>> Maggie and Simon would *never* do us wrong!! :-)
> I didn't know them
I like them grated on top of my toast and vegemite.