Time for meatloaf again!
I have eaten the last meatloaf from the freezer and it's cool enough to use
the oven. Plus I have been collecting jars of Homade chili sauce, purchased
on sale.
This time I am using a yellow, orange and green bell pepper. I also used
some freeze dried red bell pepper that I had onhand. Small yellow onions
were the cheapest kind so I got a bag of those. Used 4 but it didn't seem
like enough so I added some freeze dried onions and dried shallots. Also
one medium and one small zucchini, a handful of carrot slices and several
big handfuls of baby spinach. The raw veggies were whizzed to a near mush
in the food processor then cooked down until almost dry. I then added the
dried/dehydrated veggies to help suck up any remaining moisture.
Tomorrow I will whiz up a handful of gluten free oats and some ground flax
seeds then let them soak in some V8 juice until soft.
To this I will add about 3 pounds of grass fed very lean beef, plenty of
ketchup and 2- 4 tubs of babyfood squash until the consistency looks right.
Seasonings will be sea salt (not a lot), pepper and Italian seasoning.
Form into individual loaves, top with the chili sauce and bake through. 350
degrees for about an hour. Then let sit for another few minutes to suck up
any juices that have come off.
More meatloaf for the freezer! Yay!