Nutty cookies
On 10/2/2011 10:02 AM, Christopher M. wrote:
> In the past I've made cookies, with nuts, with mixed results. But I recently
> made some New Orleans turtle cookies that came out really good.
> With New Orleans turtle cookies you press the cookie dough on top of the
> nuts (I used pecans). The nuts roast on the bottom. Roasted nuts have a lot
> more flavor.
> I experimented with a lot of different frostings, but I finally went with a
> simple chocolate glaze made up of powdered sugar, some cocoa, and a little
> hot water.
> But I don't even think they needed the glaze. The cookies were great by
> themselves.
> I also make praline cookies sometimes. Praline cookies are simply sugar
> cookies topped with caramel frosting and pecans.
> W. Pooh (AKA Winnie P.)
Why must you tempt me like this? I had a lace cookie, once, that
contained chopped nuts, but I do not have the recipe.