Bananas Re-discovered
Several days ago I had a request for some grapefruit wine I made last year.
I sent the recipe and noted that I had used bananas in the recipe. This has
not been my normal procedure - and then I remembered. The wine had cleared
naturally and in short order.
Something clicked in my mind so I did a search on bananas and clarifying
wine and sure enough, Lum's page mentions using bananas in fruit wine to aid
in clarification. I got a couple stubborn batches right now so I think I
will create some banana liquor and see what happens. In the grapefruit
wine, I used only one pound of sliced bananas. I put them in a straing bag
and brought to a boil. I then used the water only with a VERY slight
squeeze on the bag of bananas.
For anyone having trouble clearing your fruit wines, you might try this on
your next go around.