On Oct 6, 8:28*am, Mark Lipton > wrote:
> On 10/6/11 2:03 AM, Mike Tommasi wrote:
> > Verdicchio di Matelica?
This is a less famous Italian Verdicchio from an official Italian
region that is selling for about US$12 to 16 in the US now.
> Metallica is making wine now? *I hope it's more to my liking than the
> stuff made by Maynard James Keenan ;-)
If you mean the heavy metal rock group Metallica, I do not know of
wine sold under their name. However there are some old rock groups
that have wine and even an absinthe sold under their name. There is a
note in the Oct. 2011, Decanter that says that AC/DC and Warburn
Estate now produce some AC/DC wines named for some of their hits such
as "Highway to Hell" Cabernet, "You Shook Me All Night Long" Moscato,
and "Hell's Bells" Sauvignon Blanc.
The same issue of Decanter has a cartoon of a couple in a restaurant
with a bottle of AC/DC wine on their table. The man says: "If it's
anything like their music we'll wake up tomorrow with a thumping