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David C Breeden
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Default Sulfur stick hanger

Tom S ) wrote:

>"David C Breeden" > wrote in message
>> Brian Lundeen ) wrote:
>> >I need to make something for hanging through the small bung hole (35 mm
>> >diameter) of my 30 liter barrel so that I can burn sulfur sticks in

>there. I
>> >would like to make this as fool proof as possible ie. so I can't

>> >dump the contents into the barrel. Any suggestions for what to use?

>> >Thanks
>> >Brian

>> I've used a 1/16" inch drill t odrill a tiny hold through a bung
>> that would fit in the hole, then inserted a re-bent wire hanger with
>> a hook on the end to hold the sulfur wick. I cut the hnager to an
>> appropriate length, bend it 90 degrees to itself on one end so it
>> can't fall through the bung, and bend up a small hook on the other
>> end, the end which goes in the barrel.
>> You need to make a small hole in the wick you wnat to burn to hang
>> it from the hook, but that's easy with an awl or whatever.

>Hanging the wick in the bunghole by a piece of wire works, but you will
>likely get sulfur drips on the bottom of the barrel. If you ever use that
>barrel for a fermenter you're **guaranteed** to get H2S formed during the

>IOW, your candle holder needs to have some sort of drip catcher, unless you
>only use the barrel for finished (dry) reds.

>Tom S

FWIW, that hasn't been my experience.

I have only a couple of years experience sulfuring chard barrels
without "drip catchers," but in those couple of years we haven't had
H2S problems in our barrel fermented chards.

We tend to have more H2S problems in the tank fermented chards.

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Dave Breeden