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rosie[_1_] rosie[_1_] is offline
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Default OT - Uninteresting, MRI image

On Oct 7, 11:20*pm, Cheryl > wrote:
> I have to wonder if this is why I am almost unable to walk. Seeing this
> I even wonder if calcium, omega 3 oils and other supplements will even help.

Oh Cheryl, sorry. Try different things, maybe something will work, I
have had back surgery, spinal fusion, it made me feel better for
awhile then began having back troubles and pain again, Degenerating
disc disease, just slowly moves its way up... Recently have tried a
series of expensive steroid shots. They did not work, now am seeing an
acupuncturist, if I can get my back to where it does not hurt a lot I
will be satisfied. Try things , there are lots out there, but they
may or may not work/

If you have good ins, the shots may help, they tried the first ones on
me in July, did a shotgun approach, so maybe I could have a good trip
to Istanbul, nope. The bill scared me tho, 15K. The next ones were
centered on the areas they thought would help, and only cost a
couple of Thousand. No I did not have to pay, Ihave very good

My point- try till you get worn out , then try to live with it.