OT - Uninteresting, MRI image
On 10/8/2011 6:51 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Don't worry about bone density, first fix your back.
> I spent all day today doing my last mowing and a whole bunch of other
> chores to prepare for winter that required lots of walking on uneven
> ground, my back doesn't hurt at all... I'm sweaty and tired, my feet
> hurt, but my back is fine. Those shots are like a miracle.
That's great! I have so much work to do outside and even standing around
today without really getting to sit down was making my leg go numb. I
have 65 pavers that have to be installed around the outside screened in
porch I had built for my cats to go outside. I can't get them from the
driveway to the backyard. I have a tractor with a cart but I have to
get them down a hill and I won't even try to fill up the cart and go
downhill with the tractor. I have a feeling the cart would want to be
in front instead of behind the tractor.