Thread: Raisin Wine
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Default Raisin Wine

(Lazurus106) wrote in message >...
> Greeting Kinsman,
> Huh! could that be why Belgin beers have always tasted cidery to me? Or just
> spolit (please don't flame me, its personal taste thing. my preferances in
> beers are IPL or stouts so you can say nasty things back at me if you want).
> So back to the new guys question is loaf sugar really a term for high end
> white sugar these days?
> Cheers,
> Cnut

Spoiled if you tried lambics. They spoil them on purpose to get that
"unique" flavor. You can probably tell, I'm not a big fan of Lambics.
But the Belgian Abby ales and other non-lambic ales are, IMHO, very

No flames, but there are as many different beers out there as there
are wines. Expand your horizons, grasshopper :-)
