cherry wine
Ronald - Jack Keller's site says that acid blend weighs 5.1 grams/teaspoon.
You added two tsp before testing and got a TA of 0.3. The two teaspoons of
acid blend should give you 0.3%TA in 1 gallon of juice without any
contribution from natural acid in the juice. Then you added four more
teaspoons of acid blend. This should have raised the TA to 0.8%. I believe
your problem is your acid test kit or your technique. Practice some more
with the kit and see if you can get close to the 0.8% TA that I believe you
have in the juice. Before adding any more acid blend I would taste the
juice...if nice and tart I would add the yeast and ferment.
Bill Frazier
Olathe, Kansas
"Ronald Gagnier" > wrote in message
> I'm in the process of making a gallon of cherry wine (from sweet black
> cherries) and in checking the acidity I found that it was .30. In
> I've read it should be almost twice that.The recipe from Terry Garey's
> Joy of Home Winemaking" calls for 2 tsps of acid blend which was added
> before testing. I've also added all the other ingredients the recipe
> for with the exception of the yeast.After adding an additional 4 tsps of
> acid blend in 2 tsps increments my reading has barely changed from the
> initial .30. According to the test kit 2 tsps should have raised it that
> much. What an I doing wrong? I purchased the test kit last weekend because
> thought the one I had was the problem. Obviously it wasn't . My acid blend
> seems ok because after testing I can add some to the darkened solution and
> it will lighten. Should I add more acid blend at this point? I've yet to
> a recipe call for more than 6 tsps of acid blend. Any comments or
> suggestions would be greatly appreciated !