Thread: Swiss Steak?
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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Swiss Steak?

On 10/10/2011 12:11 AM, Polly Esther wrote:
> "jmcquown" <> "merryb" <>> Does anyone make it anymore? I remember
> having it as a kid, and I
>>> might have made it in my early 20s, but haven't thought about it in a
>>> while. It's the time of year that I like that type of comfort food! I
>>> have a basic recipe (from JOC), so I use that for my base...

>> I've got a couple of recipes for it, one done on the stove-top and
>> another in the oven.

> The last few times I've tried to do anything with what's labeled
> 'minute' steak it turned out to what we'd think of as sole to a
> paratrooper boot. I can remember when they were great as quick fried and
> used as a hamburger patty. Sort of. Not now. Our grocer must buy some
> really tough old cows. Polly

A lot depends on how they were made.

I wrote this some time back. A buddy has a commercial refrigeration
business. So I get chances to see various process lines. There is a
local company that makes various frozen beef products with one of them
being a "minute steak".

One version is made from real recognizable meat. The other is made from
frozen dull pinkish sort of looks like meat material that they bring in
as large frozen blocks. The second is packaged in a similar looking box
and is intended for big box stores who want a cheaper product.