Sunday Sauce
First start out with a big deep pot pour a little olive oil in add minced garlic red pepper salt to taste and some chianti then add 1lb hot and 1lb mild italian sausage make sure you go to your local italian store and get real sausage not from the grocer cook untill brown not all the way through, then add 4 cans of imported italian tomatos and a tbl spoon of tomato paste then a hand full of fresh basil. Bring to a boil then let simmer for about 4-6 hrs longer the better.The best pasta to use is riggatoni and make it aldente. Place pasta in big serving dish pour on sauce serve with Pecorino Romano or a Grana Padano and a loaf of hard italian bread and i mean the crust is hard not the whole loaf. Then all you have to do is open a couple of good bottles of red